Miss Mac's class


Swimming- Day 1

The kids had a fantastic first day back today. It sounds like they all had fantastic holidays and I was so impressed how ready and rearing they were to get back into it! We got such great work done this morning.

Swimming went well and they all had such a fantastic time. Changing time was quite chaotic as we did have some confusion over school uniforms ending up on the wrong children or in other peoples bags thinking that they were theirs. Tomorrow I would suggest that you send your child to school in trackies, a jumper and sandals or thongs over the top of their bathers. They can wear these to the pool, take them off and put in their swimming bags, then put them straight back on over the top of their damp bathers. They should then have a change of clothes and underwear in their school bag (please not in their swimming bag as it gets taken with them and can be left at the swimming centre) that they can change into when they get back to school. After some chaos and trial and error today I feel that this might be the best option for students not to loose clothes and shoes. For this week there is an exception being made for school uniform so casual clothes and casual footwear are allowed as they are more likely to recognise their own casual clothes over school uniforms that all look the same. If you get a chance tonight, chat to your child about this so that they are prepared and have better understanding. I will obviously talk to them about it also but just to make sure. Please let me know if your child has come home with something extra or something missing.

So onwards and upwards! Tomorrow should run smoothly…..maybe! 🙂


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Just a couple of reminders and info.

This Friday, the last day of term, is a casual day. Students must wear appropriate clothing and bring a gold coin donation. Also don’t forget that the first week of next term is swimming. So make sure your child comes with their bathers under their clothing. For week 1 only, students are allowed to wear clothing and footwear that can be easily removed and put on themselves. They will also need to bring spare underwear, and a warm jumper and bottoms to be able to put on top of their bathers to head back to school, as changing of clothes will happen when we return. I will post another reminder on here about swimming during the holidays, so if you are subscribed to our blog you should get an email alert.

Also, I sadly have to announce that one of our friends in 7E will be leaving to go to another school. Friday will be the last day we will have him in our class, therefore we will be having a small class party before lunch time. It will just be small and casual but will give the students a chance to have some fun and say goodbye. I will provide some snacks (fruit and biscuits) and students will eat their own lunch as they normally do, so please let me know if there are any allergies that the school has not been alerted about.

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Sports Day!

What a successful day!! We all had so much fun participating in the events on sports day. Well done to Kaurna who brought home the win. I want to say a big thankyou to all the parents who came and watched, participated, and helped. It was great to have you all there!! What a great end to a fabulous term.

2 more days till holidays!!!

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